The Scientific View Of The Driving Force For Social Development

Xu Mingqing

(Zhonggang High School , Funan, Anhui 236301,China)

Abstract: This article which is divided into five parts, illuminates the scientific view of the driving force for social development:(1) The theories of the motive force for social development before the Construction of the historical materialism;(2) Marx's theory of the motive force for social development;(3) Adding for Marx's theory of social development power especially his thoughts of basic power scientifically;(4) the Construction of the scientific view of the driving force for social development;(5) Concluding remarks. This article has outlined the scientific view of the driving force for social development initially, and has proposed that the contradictory movements between the needs and the productive forces, the productive forces and the relations of production, the economic base and the superstructure, to be the basic power of development of human society.

Key words: the motive force for social developmentbasic contradictionneedsproductive forcesthe earth homelandharmony


In general, the development of human society is a constant from simple to complex, from elementary to advanced development process. However, what was the power that made the human history ceaselessly from elementary to advanced development of social society? What is the power of social development, scientific outlook on driving force of social development is how to? This paper will discuss the problem.

One, before the establishment of historical materialism theory in the force of social development

The motive force of social development, social development as the core problem of the theory, is always a controversial issue. In Marx's historical materialism founded before, people about the motive force of social development, made a lot of, from say on the whole, gross and put forward the following opinions: 1, natural driving force theory. From the nature of looking for the motive force of social development, the driving force of social development is attributed to a natural necessity. In 2, the theological determinism. The supernatural powers, such as God and God's will as decide the world of all things ( including social ) have the decisive power in the development of the absolute spirit, Hagel is a special kind of mysterious power. 3, human nature and reason of power theory. Starting from human nature reveals the motive force of social development, that the human spirit is the ultimate decisive force of social development. For example, Voltaire, Vico, Kant, Comte, Feuerbach et al 's point of view.

These views, in general can be divided into two categories: one is from the social development outside looking for the motive power for social progress, such as the natural power of theological determinism. Another is from the society for social development, such as motive power of human nature and reason. Regardless of the type of theory, are often easy to fall into the final from the mental factor to find the final motive force of the social development tendency. Marx's theory of social development on the whole is mainly from the social search for internal development category, but other theories and factions have a fundamental difference.

In fact, society is a form of complex organisms, the motive power for social progress should start from society to find, so only from the society for social development finally the dynamic approach is fundamentally wrong; all kinds of humanist attempts from the society itself to find the ultimate development of society power direction is desirable, however, only to reveal hidden in the " historical motivation behind " in order to reveal the real reason of historical development.

In two, Marx's social development theory

( a ) Marx's social development power theory of the main content

Marx, Engels draws on the power of social development history of outstanding achievements, combining with the historical condition and the practice of the new changes, from all kinds of social development direct motive force factors, through in-depth analysis of the immanent and inevitable connection between them, found hidden in the " historical driving force behind ", which reveals the inherent objective of social development rule, so that the dynamic view of social development based on scientific materialism foundation, founded the epoch-making historical materialism, scientific solution to the motive force of social development.

Generally, Marx's social development power theory mainly includes the following several aspects: 1, the human society is a living organism, human society is in production as the basis for the various elements of the organic connection and mutual restrict, the development of social history shows the social elements of the interaction between. 2, productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure is the contradiction between the basic social contradiction, is the basic power that human society expands. 3, in a class society, class struggle is to promote the direct impetus of social development. 4, history is created by the masses, the masses of the people in the creation of history when subjected to social development constraints. 5, the development of the society is through history " force " way to achieve the. 6, science is the highest revolutionary force.

( two) the fundamental driving force of social development theory of Marx

Marx's social development power theory of gravity is the basic power that human society expands problem, the theory points out, the fundamental driving force of social development lies in the movement of basic social contradictions, between productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure dialectical contradiction between motion constitutes the social change and social development deep roots. Productivity is the ultimate decisive force of social development, it is rooted in people's survival and development, it must always move forward, this leads to relations of production to change ceaselessly, superstructure and social ideology is constantly changing, and then reverse effects on productivity, thereby promoting social from elementary to advanced development.

The basic contradiction of the society is the fundamental driving force of social development view is Marx materialist conception of history is the core content, some scholars believe that, based on it, in order to fully reveal the people as the main body to create historical Duality ( initiative and passivity ); based on it, Marx's social progress theory can be established on a solid materialism on the basis of. In short, the fundamental driving force of social development theory and system is discussed, so that Marx's materialist conception of history and social development theory finally established in a more scientific basis.

In three, Marx for the driving force of social development theory

Especially the fundamental motive force thought science supplement

Marx's social development theory is correct undoubtedly, it captures the essence of things, science reveals the fundamental law of social development. But I think, Marx and later the motive force of social development theory in particular is the fundamental motive force thought, for example about productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure of the social basic contradiction etc. are somewhat vague, should further differentiation of more specific.

Its reason has the following. ( a ) Marx from the actual course of historical development this paper analyzes the influence of social development are five important factors: material production, spirit production, human production, mode of production and human needs, social operation outline outline. He made by comparing the surface specific five factors further down, which is concentrated on more abstract, and among which the intrinsic inevitability of productivity, relations of production, the superstructure of the three factors, thus presenting or tend to present production forces and production relations, economic basis and superstructure between the contradictory movement is the fundamental driving force of social development.

This practice is basic and reasonable, but the ultimate goal of social development, in the final analysis is to satisfy a society that is the subject of human survival and development needs, the microcosmic domain specific human needs as a motivation is internalized in the macroscopic field abstract social productivity, logically is practicable, but in fact, easy to make people ignore social development as the fundamental purpose, namely to meet human survival and development needs, not can from go up at all the prominent person 's main body status in the society impression. Some western social philosophy scholars wrong criticism of Marx's theory of social development, it ignores the people as a social subject role, have economic determinism or technological determinism tendency, easy to produce these misunderstandings which is the reason why. In fact, Marx's theory of social development is always in stressed human in society's status and role of subjectivity.

( two) Marx's social development power theory, some scholars think, the fundamental driving force of social development is productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure of the contradiction of social development, specific or direct power is the person's need, science and technology and class struggle. From this representation can be considered, both should have intrinsic causal relations, logical sequence on the. But in fact, this representation is a problem, let us take a look at.

The need that stems from a general biological needs, including survival and development needs, in the long-term evolution of life and the human continuous transformation, using the natural and social environment of the socialization of labor practice gradually formed and developed. Human needs as general biological needs that can be directly in the natural environment conditions are met, but in the natural social transformation social production can be satisfied, it led to the emergence and development of social productivity, social productivity development and the needs of the people continue to be met and improved, both and mutual actuator, spiral rise, or wave-like, promote the continuous development of productive forces, and promote all-round social progress. In the process of social development, to accelerate the development of stimulative productivity, better meet the needs of the people ( sometimes comparatively often more conducive to one part person ), and develops gradually from labor division and exchange a variety of social production forms of communication, including for example later and modern appearance of hunter-gatherers and fishing production of plant breeding, production, farming animal husbandry production, handicraft production, machine big industry production, Multi-National Corporation and the world factory, partnership and Listed Companies, transport, wholesale, transmission of information, finance, leasing and business service, scientific research and production service industry, retail, residential dining, real estate, sports and entertainment, residents service life ( consumption ) of the service industry, health, education, water and public management organizations such as public service, as well as architectural, cultural and creative emerging service industry and other industry or industry arisen with development, still have the original production cooperation, slavery production, manor house ownership and tenancy system, employment system production production the independent, cooperative production, barter, currency, the fair trade, lease, mortgage transfer code when High interest bank loans, bank credit, deposit, investment and financing, trust and insurance, funds, stocks and bonds trading of securities and Futures and options trading, regional and world free trade and other economic activities form. Then the generation and development of corresponding social production, economic relations, formed a certain economic basis, establish the social political, legal, cultural, moral, religious, philosophical, ideological and the ideology to adapt to the political and legal system, facilities and organizations such as the corresponding superstructure. In view of this, people need not because of productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure the contradiction between sports are fundamental causes of its emergence and development, on the contrary, it is people's survival and development needs and social productive interactions between, can lead to productive forces and production relations, economic basis and the superstructure of the contradiction. Man's need is social productivity and the development of intrinsic motivation, and the level of development of social productive forces and fundamentally decides and restricts the person's need, both of which have promoted each other contradictory relationship. Productivity is the ultimate decisive force of social development, it is rooted in people's survival and development, the contradiction between the two movements have impelled productivity and social continuous development, and promote the production relations and superstructure of the development and change of. The latter, it can be counterproductive to the former, stimulate formation of circulation or super cycle social operation mechanism and mode of development.

Therefore, it is not difficult to see that, the social basic contradiction movement as the fundamental driving force of social development, it is necessary to put the needs and the contradiction between the added productivity.

According to some scholars say, science and technology and social development as a specific power, seems to originate from productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure the contradiction between. Marx in the " poverty of philosophy " say in one book: " mill produces is feudal advocate social, steam rub the industrial capitalist society. " Visible science and technology as productivity is an important component, it and other elements together with deciding the productive forces and production relations, economic basis and superstructure of the paradoxical movement between, rather than the reverse.

The science and technology as the direct impetus of social development, the development of the root causes of where? Obviously, is derived from the needs of the people and social productivity contradiction movement. It is due to the needs of the people, to make the generation of science and technology and development, it is due to the formation and development of social productivity, it fundamentally decides and restricts the development level of science and technology.

Marx lived in the class contradiction and class struggle, violent era, labor alienation and needs alienated phenomenon is serious, the society was almost sick, unstable, the lives of the working people in affliction. His empathy, the pursuit of life and the creation of the doctrine of the ultimate goal, is to change the evil social reality, and fundamentally achieve the social revolution and progress, realize the whole human especially in distress is proletarian working people 's Liberation and development. So Marx's classical theory is the product of the times, some people think that it is a scientific theory of social revolution, although relatively one-sided, but tell from some kind of meaning is somewhat reasonable.

Marx emphasizes productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure of the contradictory movement is the fundamental driving force of social development, the purpose is to highlight the class struggle of the direct motivity of social development, the social change of powerful weapons, it is to arouse the broad masses of labor, for the sake of their own interests and struggle, revolution, reform and transform the unreasonable to the old society, to the liberation of their own, the liberation of all mankind.

This was consistent with the characteristics of the times of pragmatic theory, in today from the historical point of view is still a fundamental right. Of course, theory is needed to develop along with the changing times, the Marx doctrine itself has the theoretical quality of advancing with the times, continuous development intrinsic need, so take a scientific attitude to continuously develop and improve it, is the true to the Marx doctrine.

( three) Marx in the social contradiction, social turbulent, change shortly, new social form alternating transition period, he felt more than social stability gradually development scenarios, but social unrest change scenario.

In him and later perfected theory of social development law especially the five formation theory, combined with the viewpoint of the dialectical materialism, social development should be divided into two periods, namely some kind of social form within the social stability and gradual development of quantitative change period, and the transition from the old to the new social form of dramatic social changes of qualitative change period. In his classic work, Marx due to the effects of age, inevitably will naturally pay more attention to qualitative change in period of social transformation, some ignore social quantitative period gradient development. For example, productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure the contradiction between, just in the old society of alternating morphology change period, is particularly outstanding, to social change as the main motive force of development and promote the social violent mutation. In a society of the social progressive development period, relations of production must demonstrate basic stability, suitable for the level of development of productive forces, between productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure the contradiction between the motion is not the main motive force of social development, the development of productivity and the development of the whole society is mainly rooted in the needs of contradiction between sports and productivity.

In social evolutionary development of quantitative change period, human survival and development needs to push forward the development of social production, and the development of productivity and promote the need categories and levels increase with the increase, both and mutual promote, common development. It is their interaction, promoting the continuous development of productivity, and promote the overall progress of the whole society. When productivity development to a certain extent, the original production relations and superstructure consists of basic suited to basic is not suitable, social development from quantitative period gradually into the transformation period, social main contradiction from the original and the contradiction between the need of productivity gradually transformed into productive forces and production relations, economic basis and superstructure is contradictory, it is this the social basic contradiction movement, promoting social significant turnover, the rapid development of human society.

Four, construct a scientific dynamic view of social development

From the above points analysis can see, Marx and later summed up the motive force of social development theory, especially the fundamental motive force thought, fundamentally speaking, is scientific and correct, but is also slightly exist some ambiguities, need further study, an appropriate complement, further analysis of some more specific. Or from the nature of the dynamic problems.

( a ) the contradiction movement of nature is the motive force of the development of

Natural dialectics points out, the law of the unity of opposites is the fundamental law of nature sports development. The following paper examines this rule in life world and life world in the different expression.

1, attraction and repulsion of contradiction is the motive force of the development of world sports life

In a world of life is full of attraction and repulsion is the polar opposite to and developed the contradiction and struggle. Engels pointed out: " all movement exists in the attractive and repulsive interactions. " Here, attraction and repulsion mainly refers to the inanimate world things interactions in two opposed the movement trend of the relation of unity of opposites, is close to and separation, contraction and expansion, agglomeration and diffusion, absorption and radiation, combined and divided, fusion and fission and other special contradiction movement as a generalization of the. Look, Engels is attracting and exclusion as a life to grasp the basic contradiction of the world.

Attractive and repulsive interactions are nonliving world each kind of thing motion of the source, and in different sports have different performance. From the nature to the evolution of nature, from elementary particles to the general galaxy, there are attractive and repulsive contradiction, it is the motive force of the development of world sports life. Self organization theory points out, through fluctuation order.

2, biological and environmental interactions are the dynamics of biological evolution, more precisely, the biological survival and development needs and biological conditions and environmental conditions in the contradiction of supply and demand is the motive force of the development of world sports life

On the dynamics of biological evolution is the biological causes of evolution, the scientific community has always been a different view. Baconian rise have the following: ( 1) that the dynamics of biological evolution completely in the organism's internal -- internal cause theory; ( 2) that the dynamics of biological evolution completely in the external environment -- exogenous theory; ( 3) believed that evolution is driven by biological and environmental interaction. The third view, biological evolution occurs in a changing environment and changes in the biological interactions between. The biological and environmental interaction, mutual restrict power as a natural selection. This view with the Materialist Dialectics about the relationship between internal and external factors of the main point of view is consistent. The basis for this view to analyze the dynamics of biological evolution problem.

First, the internal cause is the biological evolution based on heredity and variation, that is the organism ( adaptation) of the unity of opposites is the biological internal or according to. The biological evolution process, due to the slight variation adapt to changes in the environment and are preserved, and in the reproduction of the next generation time for genetic transformation. So after a history of accumulation, has finally become a remarkable variation, the final formation of new species.

Second, external cause is the biological condition, that is selected is the biological factors or conditions. Genetic and variation of the internal conflict or internal cause, only to provide the possibility of biological evolution. To make evolutionary possibility to become reality, also need external cause, it is the external environment conditions on the organism of choice. On biological evolution, environment condition is the natural conditions, so this option is called natural selection.

Third, adoption of external causes play a role, the biological evolution of internal and external causes of interdependency exists between the dialectical relationship. Is internal and external interaction, thus promoting the biological evolution continues.

Visible, biological and environmental interactions are the dynamics of biological evolution. In addition, from the contradiction movement of nature is the motive force of the development of point of view, the life world of sports development is the driving force of attraction and repulsion of contradiction, then life world sports development namely the dynamics of biological evolution is what kind of contradiction?

Obviously, biology and environment is a kind of interaction, the role of which is displayed in the biological life activities and environmental impact on biology, restriction and choice. Biological life activities, such as draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages, in the final analysis is to meet its survival and development needs. Can think, the biological survival and development needs, fully embodies the biological subject, whether there is a survival and development needs, is living and nonliving matter one of substaintial distinction.

Fundamentally speaking, the dynamics of biological evolution is supposed to be the biological survival and development needs and biological conditions and environmental conditions between the contradictory movement. When some of their biological genetic variation condition and changing environmental conditions that can continue to meet the needs of the development of biological survival, can achieve the biological survival and the development, thus promoting the continuous evolution of these organisms, whereas the result some species decline and extinction.

Therefore, the dynamics of biological evolution can be attributed to the needs and conditions of contradiction, can also be considered a kind of contradiction of supply and demand, the biological survival and development needs is "seeking ", biological conditions and environment conditions are " for ".

( two) the fundamental driving force of social development issues

Society is formed by people, who is beyond the animal, man is the only known through labor practice transformation of natural social environment to meet their needs, creating and developing their own high-level wisdom life. Whether through labor relations conscious practice transforms using the natural social environment to meet their needs, create and develop their own, is the essential difference between man and other organisms. Like any other living thing, all kinds of human activities and form a society's basic goal, first of all is to meet their own survival and development needs, although the two need to have substaintial distinction. So the social formation and development purposes, in the final analysis, is to meet human survival and development needs, explore the fundamental driving force of social development issues, can not consider the person's need.

In fact, combined with the previous analysis, society and its main contradiction, also should be a kind of contradiction of supply and demand, namely the need of people and social productivity ( ask ) ( for ) the contradiction between. General biological need to reflect the natural directly underlying the dependence on natural resources, is the immediate needs of biological evolution, the contradiction of supply and demand is needed and the contradiction between the natural living conditions. While people need is for oneself through practice of labor natural transformation results needs, human labor practice is carried out in society, forming a certain social productivity. People need to be fundamentally embodies the nature of indirect dependencies and people to the society the direct dependent relation of social productive forces, fully embodies the social transformation in nature use relations, social contradiction of supply and demand embodies a concentrated reflection of the contradiction between the need and productivity. Need and productivity paradox was fundamentally the human, nature and society are closely linked, so is the fundamental driving force of social development is an important part of.

In addition, the fundamental driving force of social development cannot leave the social structure to talk, productivity and relations of production, the contradiction of economic base and superstructure constitutes the basic structure of the society, and formed the basis of this particular form of society. These two pairs of contradiction is distinguished from other forms of social movement the special contradiction and special essence, decides the social nature and appearance, they through the human society always, so its movement rule is the basic rule that the society develops, decided the direction of social development, is the fundamental driving force of social development.

Thus it can be seen, the fundamental driving force of social development is the social basic contradiction movement, the basic social contradiction including social main body namely the need of people and social productivity the contradiction between, social productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure can be generalized as the contradiction, need and productivity, productivity and relations of production, economy the contradiction between the foundation and the superstructure.

When the society in a stable development period, the social basic contradiction of the contradiction between the need and the productivity is the main contradiction of society; when the society is in the period of dramatic changes, social basic contradiction of productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure is the contradiction between social main contradiction. Thus, the driving force of social development theory and the specific practice of social progress will be closely linked, so that the existing theory about different social forms and different social stages of the social basic contradiction and main contradiction views a good unity. For example, from now on, at the present stage in China is still in the primary stage of socialism, the people's growing material and cultural needs with the backward social production contradiction between still is main contradiction of the society. Therefore, Chinese characteristic socialism theory system is essentially entirely correct. Of course, with the actual situation of constant change, the theory system is still in need of further development and perfection.

( three) the scientific social development power point and the objective laws of social development

In Marx's theory of social development, the driving force of social development theory and the objective laws of social development the traditional formulation is: productivity is the ultimate decisive force of social development; productivity decides relations of production, economic base determines the superstructure; productivity and relations of production, the contradiction of economic base and superstructure movement led to social change, thereby promoting social development; material mode of production and social development is the ultimate decisive factor, which determines the economic life, political life, culture life, social life; human society from elementary to advanced development, has experienced the primitive society, the slave society, feudal society, capitalism capitalist society is social, and finally a confrontational social system, it will be the future of the new regime is replaced by.

Obviously, this treatise slightly careless, only emphasized the dramatic social changes during the period of social patterns of alternating issues, while ignoring the social stable development period of social forms of internal problems. The scientific social development power point and the objective laws of social development should mainly include the following contents.

Need of people is the motive power of social development, to satisfy the needs of the development of social productivity lead generation and ceaseless development, and the level of development of productive forces and stipulate and restrict the quality level of need and volume level, need and productivity have between each other to promote interaction between. Need itself has the nature of objectivity, required for the performance of people's consciousness of category, productivity belongs to social category from the objective material base, belonging to the society, social existence determines social consciousness, so fundamentally, productivity decides the quality level of need and the volume of the extent, determines the need of development and meet the degree. The emergence and development of productivity leads to the corresponding production relations and superstructure of the formation and development, productivity is the ultimate decisive force of social development. Need to produce productivity, productivity decides relations of production, economic base determines the superstructure. Need and productivity, productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure dialectical contradiction between movement led to the gradual progress of social form and society between the turnover, so as to promote the continuous development of society.

The fundamental driving force of social development is the social basic contradiction movement, the basic social contradiction is required with productivity, productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure of contradiction between; when the society is in a particular form of society 's stable development gradually change period, the social basic contradiction of the contradiction between the need and the productivity of society the main contradiction with productivity, need contradiction movement of promoting the continuous development of productivity, and the gradual progress of society; when the productivity development to a certain extent, including the various factors inducing and promoting, cases like sailing, commercial exchanges and enlargement of scope of activities, such as the Barbarian Invasion and plunder, population quantity, quality, structure change and migration, natural and social conditions of the inherent influence and change development, natural disasters, man-made disaster and economic crisis of society, the progress of science and technology, social ideology in the field of ideology, the cultural idea promotion and innovation development, corruption decline of political rule and poor economic and social status, the majority of people's tragic life situation, new production relations and the political pattern of births Production and development, class struggle and social revolutionary consciousness and actions and so on, the original production relations and superstructure can no longer adapt or even is due in part to being generally feel can no longer meet the level of development of productive forces, which are not suitable for the property of productivity and development demand, can satisfy people's needs and expectations, social the basic contradiction of the principal contradiction, may need and productivity by the contradiction between productivity and relations of production, rise to the economic base and superstructure in the old and new social contradiction, the social form alternating acuteness change change period, the social basic contradiction of productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure. Contradictions pushed society significant turnover.

Material mode of production and social development is the ultimate decisive factor, which determines the economic life, political life, culture life, social life; human society from elementary to advanced development, has experienced the primitive society, the slave society, feudal society, capitalist society, capitalist society is the last a confrontational social system, this system led to the social life of the people of labor alienation and alienation, it will be the future of the new regime is replaced by.

The future society should be based on the actual productivity of material of moderately prosperous society. It should be able to realize the human labor and discarding the needs alienated, can give full play to people's ability, fully meet the needs of the people, fully promote people's all-round and free development. There, the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all people. This society, is to let each person do his best, distribution according to need of the Communist society!

This new theory, it can help people understand the world communist movement in practice of successful experience and failure lesson, understand why Marx s theory classical theory guiding the Communist revolution often succeed, and copy the guidance of socialist construction is often there will be some deviation reasons; to help people further understanding of the capitalist internal spontaneous operation mechanism, to understand their motives for the development and the trend of development; it is helpful for better understanding the profound connotation of Marx theory, more firm belief and adhere to the Marx doctrine, constantly developing the Marx doctrine; helps to summarize the Chinese Communist movement practice the successful experience of revolution and construction, better and more thorough understanding of Marx's Chinese theory of Marx's classical theory for the further development and improvement, more firmly to the persistence and development of Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", comprehend deeply, comprehensively implement the scientific outlook on development.

In five, ending

As already mentioned, the motive force of the development of things, from the two aspects of internal and external factors. The internal cause is the thing development according to external things, is the development, adoption of external causes play a role, the internal and external interdependency exists between the dialectical relationship. It is both by common action, promote the development of things.

In this paper, take the fundamental driving force of social development is attributed to the social basic contradiction movement, namely the need and productivity, productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure the contradiction between, these contradiction just human, society and nature from go up at all closely linked, highlights the human subjectivity, embodies the internal and external causes of the dialectical relations, and their interaction characteristic, accurately grasp the objective law of social development, is a scientific dynamic view of social development.

This article highlights the need for function and status, the purpose is to emphasize the society is made up of people, society is a society of people, people is the main body of the society, people is the purpose, conscious of the most advanced intelligent creatures, the human practice basic purpose is to satisfy the first survival and development needs. The need for biological terms, for the people, the sense is very great. It is as natural to create certain biological conditions, can continue to meet and develop biological survival and development needs, to make biological constant evolution, the final evolution of understand that by working practice and meet their needs, creating and developing their own people. It is because with the development of social productivity, the main body of the society of human survival and development needs to be continued to meet and improve, which makes the social sustainable progress.

Human survival and development needs of origin in general biological survival and development needs, there are essential differences. Marx points out, the general biological needs only need to survive ( its development needs is through long-term genetic variation and passive meet ), but as a man needs to survive, and development needs. People's survival needs is to maintain human life organism normal operation needs, including physiological and safety needs; development is established in the survival needs based on the pursuit of self-perfection, beyond the high demand, it make the person needs to extend beyond the animal level, is one of the important attributes, including the need for labor, contacts, participation in the needs of basic necessities of life, with decorative collection of various physical conditions and leisure tourism, enjoy need, entertainment fitness needs, life and life quality needs, neat order, loyalty credit needs, self-examination of self-discipline, self-reliance needs, independent and strong need, physical and mental health education to optimize the needs, concerns the curious needs, hopes to need, humorous, friendly and accommodating needs, communication, belonging, love with respect to such emotional needs, knowledge, aesthetic, moral and belief and cultural needs, collecting effective information needs, the quality and quantity of high efficiency work and analysis to solve the problem, a comprehensive development and professional development need, appreciate, display, improve oneself And others personality, strength and talent needs, noble Hyunah needs, good access needs, folk custom, into the people's needs, self-actualization needs, confidant requiring interaction, cooperation and win-win, create the need for innovation, charity relief needs, responsibilities to need, tenacious struggle of the need, the need for success and achievement, to struggle together, contributing to society 's needs, the pursuit of freedom, justice, equality, democracy and truth needs of justice, civilized progress need, scientific and sustainable diversified development, biodiversity, human, society and natural harmony needs, etc.. General biological needs with the unconscious spontaneous biological feature, satisfy the way is to rely on natural resources of direct supply; and the human survival and development needs is a conscious awareness of the social characteristics, which is the main way to meet on its own natural conditions of the socialization of labor practice reform implementation. Therefore, from the angle of need, is a natural choice of the people; from the need to satisfy the way perspective, is working to create a person. Because of the need to be realistic requirements reflect, so people's social practice with respect to need, have more fundamental significance.

Human needs can be divided into material and spiritual needs, and needs lower need advanced, practical need and ideal, the current needs and future needs, directly and indirectly to the needs of the work of production and living needs, learning needs, the need for and luxury, one needs, collective needs and social needs. Because the person is composed of biological populations evolved, people form a society can enhance the labor efficiency, better meet the needs, so people have also meant that the generation of human society. In the development process of human society, people's alienation of labor and alienation is the social life two big problems. In the initial stage of social development, people working together, sharing the fruits of labor in order to meet the need, the labor and needed in the equalization development period. With the continuous development of society, the social division of labor and the various aspects of the differentiation has been continuously strengthened, labor and the need for unbalanced development tendency. Some people began to occupy a portion of another person's labor, lead to the alienation of labor, people to satisfy the need of conflict of interest, and as a result of the interest struggle, exchange, cooperation, promote private ownership, the generation of system of ownership and class and class phenomenon formation; a part of human need expansion, suppress or even deprived of another part person reasonable survival and development needs, or of some low-level needs and false need excessive swelling, inhibiting even deprived of their other needs, or the human survival and the development needs of the excessive expansion, manifested as excessive proliferation and excessive activity, too much inhibition even deprived of other biological survival and development needs, make a large number of species decline and extinction ( if it's not to be restricted to the words, will not conducive to the sustainable development of the society, or even lead to endanger human oneself basic survival issues), leading to alienation. For example, the ancient living body and court eunuch slave phenomenon, autocracy and ethnic cleansing, and the excessive human reproduction and excessive activity caused by the large number of species extinction phenomenon and so on, is the need for extreme alienation performance. Chinese Confucianism emphasizes, deny self and return to propriety, do not do to others, can also be extended further, that is tailored to the needs of alienation phenomenon of the. In Marx's view, the capitalist system that requires the occurrence of alienation, as needed for rough, and tools and other.

To solve this social problem, heal the social conditions, Marx aimed specifically at capitalist society, made the following prescription. He points out, labor and the need of alienation in exploitation of oppressed people unreasonable private ownership society system, to realize the labor and the need of discarding the alienation, we must change the old private ownership society system, establish a exploit without compression of the public ownership of the means of production in the Communist society, and the need for labor equilibrium, equality and diversity development creates a condition, implementation is collective and rich, final implementation of human liberation and human 's free and overall development. It is based on this consideration, Marx was combined with the actual situation of social development, highlight the productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure of the basic contradiction of society, is the fundamental driving force of social development, emphasis on class struggle is the direct motivity of social development, is a powerful weapon for the dramatic social changes.

In view of this, Marx's social development power theory especially the fundamental power of thought, is in the human alienation phenomenon serious morbid society under the particular historical background is presented, with a clear time real specific aim, with strong historical sense, a certain practical significance and far-reaching significance. In this respect too picky and criticism, is not fair, is of no significance. Marx's profound system reveals the nature of the problem, open, scientific thought theory system.

Of course, some scholars have put forward some valuable advice. For example, the social coarse into morbid society and healthy society two kinds of circumstances, that pathological society we must identify the etiology, an antidote against the disease; and a healthy society, its mode of operation is generally socialized production, namely cooperation value, create social wealth, and mainly through the exchange of equal value, realize resource and wealth configuration, meet the reasonable needs of various social groups, play their proper role.

The health society and social point of view, although is not scientific, but with the social change and qualitative change during the period the notion that there is a little bit closer to the. In social life, will more or less appear various kinds of unreasonable phenomenon, such as the social resources and wealth of private monopoly and consumes a large amount of waste phenomenon, a tiny population especially the excessive phenomenon, the value of cooperation occupation value phenomenon, non equivalence exchange phenomenon, a large gap between rich and poor phenomenon, the phenomenon of unbalance of supply and demand, the universality of the hunger, poverty, slavery tyranny phenomenon, no sense of order, without government control under the condition of chaos phenomenon, harm to others and social phenomenon of excessive egoism, power violations, hit, hit, rob, fried, burning, killing and other pathological disorder disruptive phenomenon, embezzlement, warlordism, plunder extreme turbulence phenomena such as chaos caused by war, does not respect human rights, cruelly harms the life phenomenon, biological species extinctions phenomenon, ecological system and ecological environment destruction phenomenon, social negative, morbid thoughts overflowing phenomenon, as well as other social economy, politics, culture consciousness in the field of pathological phenomenon and so on. To roughly distinguish between morbid society and healthy society is generally required, as the phenomenon of the circumstances; to solve all kinds of social problems, it is necessary to find out the essential reason, fundamentally and promote social progress. Obviously, the development of Marx's pointed out the direction for us.

The quantitative change and qualitative change of social development during the period, only a rough division, will take a comprehensive view of dialectical development, can not be one-sided mechanical evaluation. Quantitative period may have some obvious stages, local change, qualitative change period may also have a certain range, transient and steady development process.

In this paper, need and productivity, productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure is the contradiction of the basic social contradictions, the contradictions can not be separated, their internal and mutual between have a perplexing Association, are closely linked, organic unity, they interact and promote each other, together as the fundamental driving force of social development to impel social development. For example, the contradiction between the need and productivity promotes the development of productivity, the development of productive forces and production relations and superstructure caused the changes and progress, and then reverse effects on productivity, make productivity and the need for further development, thereby promoting social progress. However, the true understanding of Marx's person to know, this must not only be formulaic, absolute rule of dogma, must be aimed at actual condition to undertake concrete analysis and grasp of seek truth from facts, treat.

This article highlights the need to function in society, and the position of the main body, and further demonstrates the people-oriented scientific development concept correctly. Constructing the dynamic view of social development under the guidance of scientific outlook on development, as an important inference results, helps people to further deepen the scientific outlook on development system to understand and grasp, to further establish and implement the scientific outlook on development.

This article emphasizes the main social development is the underlying impetus mechanism, human beings because of self consciousness, must have autonomy and creativity, human innovation and transformation to promote the rapid development of society. The innovative motive force theory and reform motive power points out, innovation and Reform for the development of society has powerful function. In addition, social development is extremely complex, a variety of factors, to any kind of element absolutely or infinite praises are absurd.

The more people a clear understanding of the needs and productivity, productivity and relations of production, economic base and superstructure is the contradiction between the basic contradiction of the development of social operation, more is to clear the discovery of human social practice the correct direction. The modern scientific and technological progress and industrial development, promote the overall progress of the whole society, the wealth of society has great enrichment and extension, the labor of people creative ability has been a considerable degree of exercise and the enhancement, people s needs have a considerable degree of satisfaction and development. At the same time, the socialization that Victoria following the various natural resources, such as fossil energy, water, land and some mineral material resources, gradually will show moderate the restrictive utilization situation. In addition, there are a variety of attendant environmental problems, hunger, disease, poverty, natural disasters, man-made disaster, crisis, war and other economic and social problems, and psychological problems. People on the one hand to seek to develop corresponding complementary alternative energy and resources, on the other hand, to further efforts to optimize the social production mode of communication and reducing the population control, promote economic development mode, daily life way and the thinking mode of human beings, change, further strengthen economic and social education, management, construction, hard forming benign dialogue interaction mechanism, actively to strengthen all aspects of the exchanges and cooperation, gradually guide, to establish a fair and reasonable international political, economic and cultural and other new order, a common response to emerging various difficulties and challenges, share development opportunities, common development and progress. Obviously, the needs of the people shall be adjusted correspondingly improved, gradually from the emphasis on material needs to appropriate material need and spiritual need of rich development direction. People are firmly establish suitable material home and green ecological home at the same time, it will be hitherto unknown together, together constitute a beautiful, colorful spiritual home! On this earth homeland, no war and turmoil, no invasion and damage, no exploitation and oppression, no hunger and poverty, not greed, tyranny, slavery pathological imbalance and injustice, without too much hate, false, ugly, evil, trouble and tragedy; some are full of friendship and peace, some is a mutual love and respect, there is real freedom, justice, equality and democracy, some proper creation, innovation, prosperity and civilization, some scientific nature full of biodiversity and cultural diversity, there are more and more love, truth, goodness, beauty, joy and happiness.

In short, the society is made up of people of complex organisms, social basic contradiction movement as the fundamental driving force of social development promotes the progress of human society. With the development of society, people can gradually gets more play and improve, people gradually get better meet the need with development, mankind will be more arousal, realize person, society and natural harmony.


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